Player stops intermittently

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Player stops intermittently

Post by Sirra137 »

Okay. I have 3000 songs in my collection, and I usually do something simple like choose a genre to play and then choose SHUFFLE. The songs start to play, but sometimes it will play only 1 song, or 4 songs, or whatever, and then the player stops right at the beginning of the next song.

Even though the player is now stopped, the PLAY button still shows PAUSE. I have to hit PAUSE once, to get the play button back, and then PLAY to get the music going again.

Also, strangely, the green coloring in the PLAY/PAUSE button goes grey. Don't know why, but it still functions.

I tried the power test thingy on another post from this problem with something similar, but didn't see any changes.

I am running a Dell 1180 Chromebook with Android Pie and your program version 5.22

Thank You
Mark Brennan
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Re: Player stops intermittently

Post by playerpro »


What you describe usually happens when the PlayerPro playback service is being killed by the system.
Please check this website which provides some workarounds to prevent the system from killing PlayerPro:

Best Regards,
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Re: Player stops intermittently

Post by Sirra137 »

Okay, I will do as you ask. But first let me describe in more detail exactly what happens, in case others find themselves with a similar problem:

1. I start up the player, and choose a genre to listen to. This takes me to the main play screen with a list of songs ready to play.

2. I can press any of the top buttons, particularly PLAY and SHUFFLE.

3. The music will start and everything is fine. Perhaps 5 songs play in a row this time. The 6th song PLAYS TO EXACTLY THE END OF THE SONG. I'm curious to know what background processes know how to interrupt PlayerPro (and not my other music player, Pulsar) at just that moment.

4. I just recently noticed something that happens: Right at the moment the album cover art changes, I can see, for only the briefest moment, a warning message in a white oval dialog box that disappears too quickly to read. However, now the player has stopped playing the music, and the button is still reading PAUSE, suggesting that the music should still be playing. But the slider bar below sits firmly to the left and doesn't move.

5. Also note that just after this happens, I can hit PREV and replay song #6, but this time it will play right through, no problems.

6. There seems to be no set number of songs to play before it stops. One song. Many songs.

7. Note too that I am running this on a Chromebook [OS Version 90.0.4430.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)] with very few (if any) foreign background processes running. It's a pretty simple setup.

So I'll try the link in the post above and report back my results. Thank you.
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Re: Player stops intermittently

Post by Sirra137 »

Okay... I ran the Don'tKillMyApp Report after running the test for 2 hours. (My problem, as described in a prior post, happens within minutes of starting to play songs on PlayerPro. The results were 100% for all three categories: Work, Main, and Alarm. (See attached screenshot.)

The message that came with the program talks about going into each app and changing the battery saving settings. It also said to go into developer mode and turn off the DOZE function.

I will try these as best I can. The Chrome OS interface doesn't, on first glance, have as much control as an actual Android system. (At one time, Android apps did not work on Chrome OS, but then they came up with some kind of emulator. Both my Chromebook and my phone have Android Pie, but they interface differently.

Is there anything else I can try? I really like this program and it would be a shame if the thing just stops all the time.
Screenshot of Don'tKillMyApp Report
Screenshot of Don'tKillMyApp Report
Screenshot 2021-05-18 2.19.49 PM.png (97.39 KiB) Viewed 26135 times
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Re: Player stops intermittently

Post by Sirra137 »

I've been able to see what the error is just before the player stops:

Sorry, the player does not have audiofocus

I've tried different setting for this, to no apparent change.

Any ideas?
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Re: Player stops intermittently

Post by playerpro »


Thanks a lot for those details. Spotting the error before the player stops helps a lot.
We'd like to test a fix with you. Can you contact us on our developer address plz?

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Re: Player stops intermittently

Post by Sirra137 »

Sure, that would be fine.
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Re: Player stops intermittently

Post by Sirra137 »

Ummm, how do I do that? Who am I contacting?
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